South Yorkshire Pensions Authority
Portfolio level
Portfolio level – Portfolio decarbonisation reference target
Baseline date: 31 March 2019
Baseline performance:
Total portfolio:
- 169 tCO2e/$mn invested
- Listed Equity: 172 tCO2e/$mn invested
- Investment Grade Credit: 133 tCO2e/$mn invested
Target year(s): 2025 and 2030
Total portfolio reductions:
- 2025: -52% tCO2e/$mn invested
- 2030: -65% tCO2e/$mn invested
Listed equity:
- 2025: -52% tCO2e/$mn invested
- 2030: -65% tCO2e/$mn invested
Investment Grade Credit:
- 2025: -54% tCO2e/$mn invested
- 2030: -66% tCO2e/$mn invested
GHG scopes included: Initially, scope 1 and 2. The availability and reliability of scope 3 data will be kept under review with a view to include once data is available in sufficient quantity and quality which may require a restatement of targets.
Asset classes in scope:
- Listed Equity (includes UK, Overseas, Emerging Market and listed alternatives portfolios)
- Investment Grade Credit
Combined these assets represent 51.1% of the total portfolio as at 31 March 2022.
Net zero scenarios/methodology: The overall approach to setting targets is in line with the Paris Aligned Investment Initiative’s Net Zero Investment Framework, adopting the self-decarbonisation approach due to the complexity that arises with different benchmarks for different portfolios when aggregating at asset class level.
We have also adopted point in time targets as they are easier to understand.
The science based pathway used to set the specific targets is the IEA NZE 2050 Pathway based on the IPCC P2 scenario.
Emissions metrics: Financed emissions is the primary metric for which targets are set. The published figure is normalised as tCO2e/value invested. Carbon intensity and weighted average carbon intensity are subsidiary measures which are calculated and disclosed but for which no targets are set.
Portfolio level – Investment in climate solutions target
Qualitative goal
Baseline date: 31 March 2018
Baseline performance: £25.9m
Target: At this stage, the target is qualitative. The aim is to commit at least a further £80m p.a. to specific climate solutions investments by 2025 in addition to a 2018 baseline of £25.9m. At this stage given the lack of a widely accepted industry methodology it is not proposed to set a formal target.
Asset level
Asset level – Portfolio coverage target
Baseline date: 31 March 2019
Baseline performance: 48% of assets meeting at least “aligning” criteria, made up as follows:
- 43% for listed equity and
- 78% for Investment Grade Credit
Target years: 2025, 2030
- 55% of AUM by 2025
- 70% of AUM by 2030
Asset classes in scope: Listed equity portfolios and investment grade credit.
Note the largest emitters by weight in the equity portfolios are concentrated in developed markets with good coverage through TPI and CA100+. Companies in these markets tend to be leaders compared to those in emerging markets. In addition the focus in fixed
income only on sterling corporate bonds means that it is likely these figures will reduce when other asset classes such as sovereign and emerging market debt are introduced.
Data sources: Listed equity & corporate fixed income: CA100+ benchmark, Transition Pathway Initiative, SBTi
Aligning is defined as meeting IIGCC’s Net Zero Investment Framework criteria 2, 4 and 5:
- Criteria 2: We have taken the more conservative view of companies having to meet short- AND medium-term targets. Otherwise, it is hard to explain companies that do not meet criteria 2 but meet the definition of “aligning”.
- Criteria 4: Taken from TPI question 5 (scope 1 & 2) and question 8 (scope 3) and needs both to meet criteria for NZTP4
- Criteria 5: Taken from CA100+ indicator 5.1 (decarbonisation strategy)
Asset level – Engagement threshold target
Baseline date: 2019
Baseline performance: 73%
Target date: 2025, 2030
- 80% of financed emissions to be subject to engagement by 2025
- 90% of financed emissions to be subject to engagement by 2030
Additional information
Methodology: Rather than try to ‘optimise’ a fair share of the 50% reduction, the Authority aims to achieve more than its fair share of the reduction through accelerated decarbonisation of the portfolio and significant targets for investment in climate solutions.
Operational emissions: Being developed, but, while important, is very small relative to portfolio emissions.
Fossil fuel investment: We have a policy of not investing in “pure coal or tar sands” stocks, which is set out in our Responsible Investment Policy available here.
Information available on our website: climate (sypensions.org.uk); Annual Reports (sypensions.org.uk); Annual Report 21-22.pdf (sypensions.org.uk)