Velliv, Pension & Livsforsikring A/S
Portfolio level
Portfolio level – Portfolio decarbonisation reference target
Baseline date: 31 December 2019
Baseline performance: 76 tCO2e/$mn invested
Target year: 2030
Target(s): -60% CO2e/$mn invested by 2030
GHG scopes included: The reduction target is set for scope 1 & 2 emissions for listed equity and corporate bonds and real estate.
Asset classes in scope: For now, the portfolio reduction target covers the following asset classes: listed equity and corporate bonds and real estate.
Velliv continuously reviews relevant data and methodologies to incorporate more asset classes when possible.
Methodology/net zero scenarios: Use of data to estimate portfolio carbon emissions and targets is work in progress.
Data coverage per end year 2022:
- Listed equity 99%
- Listed corporate bonds 81%
We use the Net Zero Investment Framework as well as the International Energy Agency’s roadmap to net zero in 2050, the Net Zero Scenario to determine the net zero pathway of our portfolio. The Net Zero Scenario is consistent with a maximum 1.5 degree global warming above pre-industrial levels.
For real estate we use the CRREM model to determine the net zero pathway of our portfolio.
Emissions metric: Due to continuously growing AUM, Velliv has set carbon reduction targets on a relative emissions basis. As part of our annual reporting we will disclose both absolute and relative emissions of our portfolio and the progress made.
Portfolio level – Investment in climate solutions target
Quantitative target
Baseline date: 31 March 2023
Baseline performance: 5.5% of AUM
Target year: 2030
Target: 20% of revenues from AUM are invested in assets contributing to the green transition.
Methodology: Velliv uses the methodology of the EU taxonomy do define green investments and climate solutions as taxonomy aligned where possible.
Asset level
Asset level – Portfolio coverage target
Baseline date: 31 December 2022
Baseline performance: 45% of assets meeting at least “aligning” criteria in baseline year.
Target year: 2030
Target: 69% of assets meeting at least “aligning” criteria in target year.
Asset classes in scope: The target covers listed equity and corporate bonds. Real estate is not included in this target since the real estate portfolio is already on path to a 1.5C scenario.
Data sources: To assess alignment for listed equity and corporate bonds we use ISS ESG Climate Scenario Alignment data (targets assessment) and ISS ESG Climate Net Zero data (alignment status).
Based on the two data sources, Velliv considers companies as ‘aligning’ when they have either (1) aligning status or (2) approved SBT or ambitious target, or both (1) and (2).
Asset level – Engagement threshold target
Approach: By 2025, 70% of the financed emissions in material sectors will be considered to be either “aligned” or “aligning” or subject to engagement. The threshold will increase to 90% of the financed emissions by 2030.
Additional information
Methodology: We strongly believe the reduction target of 60 % in 2030 is consistent with delivering a fair share of the 50 % reduction in emissions by 2030.
The target is set using the International Energy Agency’s roadmap to net zero in 2050, the Net Zero Scenario to determine the net zero pathway of our portfolio. The Net Zero Scenario is consistent with a maximum 1.5 degree global warming above pre-industrial levels.
For real estate we use the CRREM model to determine the net zero pathway of our portfolio.
Operational emissions: Velliv has committed to a reduction target of 100 % of own scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2030
Fossil fuel investment: Velliv will not invest in companies with a revenue share of more than 5 % from the exploration and production of thermal coal, oil sand, fracking or arctic drilling, or in companies with thermal coal expansion plans.
Velliv will maintain the possibility to invest in fossil fuel companies that demonstrate a strategy and goals in line with the Paris agreement, and exclude companies assessed to slow down the green transition.
Velliv’s TCFD-report is available online (in Danish) vellivs-klimarapport-2022.pdf